midnight motorway noises

09 April 2006

total university failure? it was worth it!!

We went to see "The Wolves in the Walls" last night. It was great, there are plenty of much better reviews of it elsewhere which I'm sure you can google. In the play is Lucy, and Lucy's only friend is little pig puppet. I think pig puppet was the hero of the show. Anyway, that's who pig puppet is, in case you wondered...

gilly says:i wonder if you will ever be able to get your own pig puppet
gilly says:that would be cool
suzie says:yeah id get one.
suzie says:i got an ed the duck for crisssakes
gilly says:ME TOO
gilly says:mine was michael jackson ed. with one spangly glove
suzie says:ew
suzie says:mine was just a plain one
gilly says:yeah. in context its a bit sick
gilly says:with hindsight
suzie says:eeeew
suzie says:eeeewey
gilly says:i had an ed the duck video too
suzie says:video? what dit do?
gilly says:it was him travelling around the world
gilly says:frank bruno was in it
gilly says:it was surreal
suzie says:weird
gilly says:i might spend the afternoon superimposing your head onto ed the ducks body
suzie says:good idea.
suzie says:really.
suzie says:do it
gilly says:k i doing it now


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